
Straight Arrow News is committed to fair, factual, unbiased journalism that encourages viewers to make up their own minds. In addition to the facts, we believe it’s vital to hear arguments from all sides of the political spectrum. We hope these different voices will help you reach your own conclusions. The opinions published in this section are solely those of the contributors and do not reflect the views of Straight Arrow News.

The GOP can't afford to ignore the George Santos scandal, because the freshman congressman's lies remain a major problem.
Liberal Opinion
January 11

GOP can’t afford to ignore George Santos scandal

Legal analyst, law professor & award-winning author

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A native Californian reflects on his Texas roots and takes some responsibility for the crisis at the border.
Liberal Opinion
January 10

A Californian’s apology for the Texas immigration crisis

Columnist, host & author

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There's bipartisan concern that the concessions made by Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., to win speaker of the House could bring government to its knees.
Liberal Opinion
January 9

GOP’s top priority is to obstruct Democrats at every turn

Host of The David Pakman Show

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GOP hypocrisy
Liberal Opinion
January 6

Ultra-conservatives now hold the power in Republican party

National TV Political Analyst, Talk Radio Host, Univ. Prof.

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While 2022 was marked by international conflict, inflation woes, and COVID-19, Reid says there are some reasons to be optimistic about 2023.
Liberal Opinion
January 5

Let’s talk about why 2023 might actually be okay-ish

Author; Founding Editor, Ramshackle Glam

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New York Attorney General Letitia James filed a lawsuit against Trump many believe she will win, giving her hero status in the eyes of many.
Liberal Opinion
January 4

Hero of the Year: New York’s Attorney General Letitia James

Legal analyst, law professor & award-winning author

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Recent in-fighting over Kevin McCarthy's bid to become speaker proves that Republicans in Congress want to complain, not govern.
Liberal Opinion
January 3

Republicans in Congress want to complain, not govern

Host of The David Pakman Show

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extremists take over GOP
Liberal Opinion
December 23

Predictions 2023: Far-right extremists taking over GOP

National TV Political Analyst, Talk Radio Host, Univ. Prof.

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Against the backdrop of a flawed political system, Biden will decide not to run for reelection, once he finds a suitable replacement.
Liberal Opinion
December 22

Predictions 2023: Biden will decide not to run for reelection

Author; Founding Editor, Ramshackle Glam

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Special Counsel John Durham's Igor Danchenko trial next month is a sign of an end to one of America's greatest political scandals.
Conservative Opinion
September 28

One of America’s greatest political scandals coming to an end

Federalist Senior Contributor; Claremont Institute Fellow

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Graham abortion bill ban
Conservative Opinion
September 23

Senator Graham’s abortion bill misconstrued by Democrats

Founder & President, Center for Urban Renewal and Education

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Decades of inaccurate census data collected by the U.S. government has painted an inaccurate picture of inequality in America.
Conservative Opinion
September 22

Census data paints an inaccurate picture of inequality in America

President, American Enterprise Institute

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Changes ahead for Britain with a new king and new prime minister
Conservative Opinion
September 21

Queen Elizabeth’s death marks a time of change and continuity

Former House Speaker; Chairman of Gingrich 360

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The 2020 Census was inaccurate
Conservative Opinion
September 20

The 2020 census overcounts blue states, undercounts red

Federalist Senior Contributor; Claremont Institute Fellow

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Parental rights in schools
Conservative Opinion
September 16

Parents should control what our kids learn in school

Founder & President, Center for Urban Renewal and Education

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On the first anniversary of the collapse of the American effort in Afghanistan, President Biden has sent a message to veterans and the world.
Conservative Opinion
September 14

Biden’s betrayal one year after US troops pulled from Afghanistan

Former House Speaker; Chairman of Gingrich 360

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In a Philadelphia speech, President Biden warned that American democracy was under assault by MAGA Republicans loyal to Trump.
Conservative Opinion
September 13

Biden’s rant against MAGA Republicans was disturbing

Federalist Senior Contributor; Claremont Institute Fellow

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Dr. Fauci is stepping down from NIH later this year after nearly 40 years in public service. Some say he overstayed his welcome.
Conservative Opinion
September 12

Fauci’s legacy stained by COVID and by staying too long

President & CEO, The Lindsey Group

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While residents in Jackson, Mississippi are dealing with a water emergency, the media is turning the crisis into a debate on systemic racism.
Conservative Opinion
September 9

Stop turning the Mississippi water crisis into a racial issue

Founder & President, Center for Urban Renewal and Education

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