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Ultra-conservatives now hold the power in Republican party


Dr. Rashad Richey

National TV Political Analyst, Talk Radio Host, Univ. Prof.


After the midterm elections, Republicans were starting to distance themselves from Donald Trump and his ultra-conservative followers. For a while there, moderates had hope that their fractured party could actually come together and get things done. Not so fast. At least twenty members of Congress — almost all allies of the Freedom Caucus PAC — are holding up Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s bid for House Speaker. So who is really controlling the 118th House of Representatives? Straight Arrow News contributor Rashad Richey argues it’s time for reasonable Republicans to realize their far-Right counterparts aren’t interested in enacting new legislation to make a better America. They’re after one thing: power.

So who has the power? Who has the power? Well, individuals like Matt Gaetz and folks that think like him. Matt Gaetz is under criminal investigation for trafficking an underage child across state lines for the purposes of sex. 

Now we get it. He is innocent until proven guilty. I got it. I hear that. That’s in a court. That court does not extend to the Congress. 

Matt Gaetz was allowed to serve on the very committee that provided oversight for the Department of Justice while he was under criminal investigation by that same entity. That’s the guy who has the power in your party. I’m talking to conservatives. If you are still concerned about, I don’t know, some fictional reality where Democrats take your guns away, please understand they’re playing you. 

Republicans will always find a villain in every election cycle in order to scare you into voting for them. But here’s what they’re not doing. They’re not negotiating behind closed doors in order to give you a better policy. They’re not negotiating behind closed doors in order to give you a better America. They’re negotiating to give themselves a better America. That’s what they’re doing. You see their ideology is confusing to many, including many Republicans. Many conservatives are confused by some of the rhetoric. 

Let me help you out here. Here’s what will eliminate your confusion. You may not like it, but this is the reality. Stop thinking they are driven by some policy dynamic or another and start thinking that they are driven by one thing, their true ideology: power. Their true ideology is power. Once you place that into the equation, all other things start to make sense. Their decisions, their hypocrisy starts to make sense. Now, I don’t like it. I don’t support it. 

But I’m saying to the conservatives, who actually say they still have some values, you should not support that either. Look at who’s leading your current political structure, and then look in the mirror, because on some level, if you are still supporting this madness, you’re supporting that madness too.

Okay, will all the real Republicans, please stand up. Because dammit, I don’t see you. So let me explain what I mean by that. You see, there was a sentiment among Republicans that when Trump was no longer president, Republicans would start talking as if they had sense again. 

Well, that was true for a couple of people. Mitch McConnell, after Trump was no longer president, started saying things that kind of made sense. Right? Former Vice President Mike Pence, same thing. President Trump no longer has power. All of a sudden, former VP Pence starts saying things that make sense. But then there are people like Matt Gaetz, he still makes no sense. Marjorie Taylor Greene never made sense from day one. 

So who has the power? Who has the power? Well, individuals like Matt Gaetz and folks that think like him. Matt Gaetz is under criminal investigation for trafficking an underage child across state lines for the purposes of sex. 

Now we get it. He is innocent until proven guilty. I got it. I hear that. That’s in a court. That court does not extend to the Congress. 

Matt Gaetz was allowed to serve on the very committee that provided oversight for the Department of Justice while he was under criminal investigation by that same entity. That’s the guy who has the power in your party. I’m talking to conservatives. If you are still concerned about, I don’t know, some fictional reality where Democrats take your guns away, please understand they’re playing you. 

Republicans will always find a villain in every election cycle in order to scare you into voting for them. But here’s what they’re not doing. They’re not negotiating behind closed doors in order to give you a better policy. They’re not negotiating behind closed doors in order to give you a better America. They’re negotiating to give themselves a better America. That’s what they’re doing. You see their ideology is confusing to many, including many Republicans. Many conservatives are confused by some of the rhetoric. 

Let me help you out here. Here’s what will eliminate your confusion. You may not like it, but this is the reality. Stop thinking they are driven by some policy dynamic or another and start thinking that they are driven by one thing, their true ideology: power. Their true ideology is power. Once you place that into the equation, all other things start to make sense. Their decisions, their hypocrisy starts to make sense. Now, I don’t like it. I don’t support it. 

But I’m saying to the conservatives, who actually say they still have some values, you should not support that either. Look at who’s leading your current political structure, and then look in the mirror, because on some level, if you are still supporting this madness, you’re supporting that madness too.


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