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We can’t fix America unless GOP regains control of Congress

Star Parker Founder & President, Center for Urban Renewal and Education

The all-important midterm elections are just over a week away, and legal challenges are already being filed in an attempt to cast doubt over the results. Republicans are favored by most pollsters to retake control of the House, as voters appear most concerned with record-high inflation and economic uncertainty. Straight Arrow News contributor Star Parker says a “Red Wave” is the only way to address those concerns. She warns that we can’t fix America unless the GOP regains control of Congress.

Right now, the Democrats have the House, they have the Senate, they have the White House. And we’ve had 18 months of seeing what they can do. They can increase inflation, they can increase our energy cost, they can hurt our economy, they can increase gas and groceries, they can let our border just totally break down. They can make sure that crime is high. They can spin, spin, spin. And when we look at the trillions just in the last 18 months, which is dumping most of this money into the pockets of low-wage workers, has now hurt us at restaurants and other places where we need help just getting a general supply. There’s no one there at the cash register. There’s no one there waiting the tables. It’s just unbelievable, the damage that can be done to an economy and to us locally and personally through one election, the one we had last time. 

So does that make this one absolutely important? Yes, it does. And what’s coming out of the…this administration, the president of our country’s mouth about what he thinks are the priorities from day one after midterm? Abortion. Let’s keep killing our offspring. Oh, that’ll make sense. When Social Security is underfunded, when Medicare is underfunded. We’ve got entitlements and everybody dependent on each other. Sixty percent of Americans get more from government now than they put in. And yet he wants to just continue to talk about abortion. Let’s have fewer people. 

Because we’re concerned about the environment and climate change. What else does he want to do? Legalize marijuana nationwide. We are in serious trouble, serious, serious trouble. And these progressives must be stopped. Many would not have considered President Biden a progressive. But if he’s not one, he sure is beholden to them. Because every single thing that they want done, he is doing, and this is just too critical for our future, that we stop him. 

That’s what we have to do. The Congress must change hands.

We’ve heard…what’s now a cliche. Every election, “this is the most important election in the history of America.” We’ve heard it over and over again to where it is now a cliche. This is the one, the sky is falling, everything’s going to fall apart if we do not get out to vote and do not win this one. I’ve been in and out of Washington, D.C. now 30 years. Working full time here over 10 years, on the policy side. So who’s comes to Washington has always mattered to us at the organization I run, CURE – the Center for Urban Renewal and Education. But this election is really making me want to get into the cliche – it’s very, very important. It is incredibly clear now that there are two different worldviews vying for attention of the American people. And the American people now need to go into their voting booth in a midterm and decide what they want represented in Congress. 

Right now, the Democrats have the House, they have the Senate, they have the White House. And we’ve had 18 months of seeing what they can do. They can increase inflation, they can increase our energy cost, they can hurt our economy, they can increase gas and groceries, they can let our border just totally break down. They can make sure that crime is high. They can spin, spin, spin. And when we look at the trillions just in the last 18 months, which is dumping most of this money into the pockets of low-wage workers, has now hurt us at restaurants and other places where we need help just getting a general supply. There’s no one there at the cash register. There’s no one there waiting the tables. It’s just unbelievable, the damage that can be done to an economy and to us locally and personally through one election, the one we had last time. 

So does that make this one absolutely important? Yes, it does. And what’s coming out of the…this administration, the president of our country’s mouth about what he thinks are the priorities from day one after midterm? Abortion. Let’s keep killing our offspring. Oh, that’ll make sense. When Social Security is underfunded, when Medicare is underfunded. We’ve got entitlements and everybody dependent on each other. Sixty percent of Americans get more from government now than they put in. And yet he wants to just continue to talk about abortion. Let’s have fewer people. 

Because we’re concerned about the environment and climate change. What else does he want to do? Legalize marijuana nationwide. We are in serious trouble, serious, serious trouble. And these progressives must be stopped. Many would not have considered President Biden a progressive. But if he’s not one, he sure is beholden to them. Because every single thing that they want done, he is doing, and this is just too critical for our future, that we stop him. 

That’s what we have to do. The Congress must change hands. That is a stop gate. The Senate must change hands. That’s the stop gate. We are not going to get past this pain that we’re all feeling in every area of our lives, if the GOP does not take the Senate and the House in November. That’s all I really want to say about it, hoping that it’s not too political because I’m on the policy side of these debates but, we can’t get the policies done to reduce the size and scope of government if you have progressives controlling our country who hate our country.

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