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Lawmakers introduced a proposal to create a no-fly list for unruly passengers, an idea that was pushed but failed to gain traction in 2022.

U.S. lawmakers introduced a bipartisan proposal to create a new no-fly list for unruly passengers following a rise in incidents reported during the pandemic and in recent years. A similar plan was previously pushed by airline unions but failed to gain traction in 2022. According to federal data, there were almost 2,456 reports of unruly…

Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.V., said he is willing to sue the Treasury Department if it doesn't implement EV tax credits the way he intended when he wrote them.

Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.V., said he’s willing to sue the Treasury Department if it doesn’t implement electric vehicle battery tax credits in the way he intended when he wrote them. The Treasury’s guidelines are expected Friday, March 31. The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 included electric vehicle tax credits of $7,500. But to qualify, the…

The PHIT Act would allow people to use HSA and FSA money for gym memberships, personal trainers and workout equipment.

There is a bipartisan effort in Congress to give people a tax break as an incentive to stay in shape and live a healthy lifestyle. The PHIT Act would allow Americans to use pre-tax money in a health savings account or flexible spending account to pay for gym memberships, personal trainers, or workout equipment to…

The need to modernize, and a series of high-profile crashes in the last few years, has the Army searching for the Black Hawk’s successor.

For decades, the U.S. military used Black Hawk helicopters for a variety of missions, from troop transport to submarine hunting. However, the military’s need to modernize coupled with a series of high-profile crashes in the last few years has the Army searching for the Black Hawk’s successor. In December of 2022, the Army thought it had…

Lawmakers on Capitol Hill told Straight Arrow News they doubt gun reform will pass after the Tennessee school shooting, despite recent bipartisan victories.

A day after six people were killed at a private Christian school in Tennessee, congressional lawmakers are expressing doubts about the potential for gun reform legislation. The doubts come despite bipartisan victories in recent years.  “We need to act. I don’t know if we have the support or not. But we have to try,” Sen.…

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee where there is concern about drug trafficking at the border.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is standing by his congressional testimony that he believes the United States has operational control of the southern border. Congress has received conflicting information on the subject from career officials and political appointees in the Biden administration.  Under the bipartisan Secure Fence Act of 2006, ‘‘operational control’’ means the prevention…

U.S.-Mexico relations are deteriorating over calls by some Republicans for military action against the drug cartels south of the border.

The rift between the U.S. and Mexico continues to widen. After four Americans were kidnapped in Mexico — with two being killed — Republicans in Congress called for American military action against Mexican drug cartels. Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador fired back, demanding that “Mexico be respected.” Straight Arrow News contributor Ruben Navarrette notes…

More than 500 bank failures have happened in the U.S. since the year 2000. And depositors don't always get all of their money back.

When Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank collapsed in a matter of days, it was a stark reminder to the American people that U.S. banks do fail. More than that, while all uninsured depositors were spared in these two bank failures, that’s not always the case. Given the media storm around this month’s bank failures,…

Top financial regulators faced tough questions and even fielded blame from senators over the collapses of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank.

Top financial regulators faced tough questions and even fielded blame from senators Tuesday, March 28 over the collapses of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank. In a Senate banking committee hearing, representatives from the Federal Reserve, Treasury and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation defended regulator actions that allowed the banks to fail while issuing a government-backed…

Smoking causes about 480,000 deaths in the U.S. each year. Those deaths are preventable, so… why not prevent them?

Nations have always struggled to kick cigarettes for good. Quitting outright would require either a complete ban on possession and sales, or the entire population would have to just – stop. So far, the best solution has been a patch: the slow and steady release of regulation. Smoking causes about 480,000 deaths in the U.S.…

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