Get This Straight

As world powers negotiate to restrict Iran's nuclear resources, the United States doesn't have a seat at the table. Here's why.

Biden wants back in Iran nuclear deal as negotiations near end

Congressional lawmakers continue to debate whether to enact a federal red flag law or leave the matter to the states to decide.

Would a federal red flag law prevent mass shootings in America?

The Biden Administration said while it wholeheartedly supports Team USA, it will not be sending any representation.

Diplomatic boycott: Biden delivers Beijing sting before Olympics

With unusually large error in the 2016 and 2020 presidential polling results, experts point to one particular reason: former President Trump.

Polling error reached a record high in 2020. Experts point to a Trump factor.

Some experts say a combination of natural immunity and receiving a COVID-19 vaccine can create the strongest immune system response.

Does the best COVID defense come from vaccines or prior infection?

After President Biden some media outlets called Kyle Rittenhouse a white supremacist, social media users encouraged him to sue for defamation.

Could Kyle Rittenhouse win a defamation case against President Biden?

A recent USA Today / Suffolk University poll pegs the approval rating of Vice President Kamala Harris at 28 percent, an historical low for a modern VP.

How low can they go? Reasons for Kamala Harris’ historically low approval ratings

While health experts are concerned with the Omicron COVID-19 variant's impact on life, here's how the World Health Organization named it.

WHO skips “Nu” and “Xi” to name new Omicron COVID-19 variant

As Dr. Anthony Fauci and Senator Rand Paul continue to debate the definition of gain-of-function research, here's how the experts describe it.

Paul vs. Fauci: What does gain-of-function research have to do with COVID-19?

President Biden has claimed his infrastructure bill will help modernize ports and ease inflation. Republicans are skeptical.

Spiking inflation, supply shortages and a shipping crisis: Will Biden’s economic nightmare ever end?

The Biden administration faces criticism following reports the Department of Justice is negotiating $450,000 payments to migrant families.

Biden backtracks: Justice Dept. negotiating $450k payments to migrant families separated at border

China tested a hypersonic missile that can travel faster than a mile a second, igniting concerns from President Biden and the U.S. military.

China’s new hypersonic missile can zoom faster than a mile per second

Internal research first publicized by The Wall Street Journal revealed Instagram and Facebook knew its products harmed children and teenagers.

Just how dangerous are Instagram and Facebook to underage users?

Medical experts say a "twindemic" could be on the horizon. A twindemic is a double-threat of case surges from both COVID-19 and the flu. 

Doctors warn deadly ‘twindemic’ could be months away

Cleanup continues near California's Huntington beach after an oil spill leaked nearly 126,000 gallons of crude oil.

Millions in cleanup costs. $167 for seagull replacements. Who pays for oil spills?

Severe weather strikes these states the most

If Congress fails to raise the debt limit by October 1, the federal government will shut down.

Another government shutdown? What it’ll mean for you if it happens.

President Biden has seen his approval rating poll numbers drop over the last few weeks.

Biden’s poll numbers are faltering, but history shows he has time to recover

FREEPORT, NEW YORK - APRIL 25: An aerial view of parked school buses in a parking lot bus depot on April 25, 2020 in Freeport, New York. Freeport schools have been closed since March 16th because of the coronavirus pandemic. (Photo by Al Bello/Getty Images) (Photo by Al Bello/Getty Images)

Schools are scrambling without enough bus drivers. Where did they go?

55 long covid symptoms

The 55 long COVID symptoms that may never go away

antifa proud boys

Antifa and Proud Boys: Political lightning rods for the Dems, GOP

Vaccine mandate? What the Executive Order means for private businesses

california gubernatorial recall election

Recall elections are synonymous with the Golden State. Here’s why.

cajun navy hurricane

The Cajun Navy storms to the rescue once again. Who exactly are they?