Mayors take action to stop spread: NYC to require proof of vaxx, Maui wants to continue virtual learning
Mayor Bill de Blasio, (D) New York: “So today, I announce a new approach which we’re calling the key to NYC Pass, the key to New York City. When you hear those words, I want you to imagine the notion that because someone’s vaccinated, they can do all the amazing things that are available in this city. This is a miraculous place, literally full of wonders. And if you’re vaccinated, all that’s going to open up to you. You’ll have the key. You can open the door. But if you’re unvaccinated, unfortunately, you will not be able to participate in many things. That’s the point we’re trying to get across.”
“The key to NYC Pass will be a first in the nation approach. It will require vaccination for workers and customers in indoor dining, in indoor fitness facilities, indoor entertainment facilities. This is going to be a requirement. The only way to patronize these establishments indoors will be if you’re vaccinated, at least one dose. The same for folks in terms of work. They’ll need at least one dose.”
“This new policy will be phased in over the coming weeks, so we’ve been working with the business community, getting input, we’re going to do more over the next few weeks. The final details of the policy will be announced and implemented in the week of August 16th.”
“We’ll then spend most of a month educating people, going out to businesses, receiving calls from businesses, answering questions and concerns, making sure everyone understands the new approach. And then on September 13th, during that week, we’ll begin inspections and enforcement.”
“The Key to NYC Pass this is an easy approach because to confirm vaccination, all you need is your vaccination card or the NYC Covid Safe app or the Excelsior app from the state. Any of those will do. So it’s simple. Just show it and you’re in.”