Shannon Longworth: The California man who’d allegedly made threats against supreme court justice Brett Kavanaugh is now in police custody.
He was arrested earlier this morning near Kavanaugh’s home.
Police say the man showed up in a taxi and told authorities he wanted to kill Kavanaugh.
He had a gun, a knife, and burglary tools on him.
The Washington Post reported the man told police he was upset by the recent leaked Supreme Court draft.
That opinion suggested the court is set to overrule Roe v. Wade.
The man was also reportedly upset over recent mass shootings.
Justices have been given round-the-clock security at their homes amid concerns about violence once the final opinion is released.
The arrest comes just weeks after the Senate passed a bill beefing up said security.
Sen. Mitch McConnell | (R) Kentucky: “This is common sense noncontroversial legislation that passed in this chamber in this chamber unanimously. But House Democrats have spent weeks blocking. House Democrats must pass this bill and they need to do it today.”