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Ray Bogan Political Correspondent

Trump visits Republicans on Capitol Hill, says he wants to eliminate taxes on tips

Ray Bogan Political Correspondent

Former President Donald Trump visited Capitol Hill Thursday, June 13, to meet with House and Senate Republicans in two separate meetings. Lawmakers inside the room told Straight Arrow News that Trump discussed his 2024 campaign strategy and policy.

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“We have great unity, we have great common sense, a lot of very smart people in this room and a lot of people that love our country,” Trump said after his meeting with senators.

Lawmakers were quick to talk about the former president’s new idea to end taxes on tips. 

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“Just remove all taxes on tips is basically what he said,” Rep. Tim Burchett, R-Tenn., said. “You don’t need a bunch of Harvard lawyers and accountants in there to tell me to do that.” 

The former president also spoke about foreign policy. According to one representative, Trump said he wants to end support for foreign wars, specifically Ukraine, and increase financial support for members of the U.S. military.

“Trump reflected on the fact that it is a travesty in our country that you’ve got troops who are on food stamps, who are not even getting minimum wage when you look at the hours that they’re putting in, and he lamented the fact that we’re sending $60 billion to Ukraine and we’re not paying our troops more,” Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., said. “So President Trump was explicitly a critic of the Ukraine aid and a supporter of the increases in pay for American troops.” 

On border security, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., said Republicans would make another attempt to get HR 2 signed into law. That bill is the Republicans’ border security bill which they passed in the House but could not move any further. The bill would limit the Department of Homeland Security’s ability to grant immigrant parole and restart border wall construction. However, it also included other measures that critics called harsh. 

“We’ve already passed HR 2, our border security plan,” Greene said. “President Trump supports it. I think that would be something that he would get passed literally in his first few days of office.”

Amidst the tight security, there were two small groups of Trump supporters and very loud protesters. Many of the protesters were Palestinian and shouted that the lawmakers were racist Zionists as they left the meeting.

This was Trump’s first time back to the Capitol since the riot on Jan. 6, 2021. Some Democrats criticized his appearance. 

“Today, the instigator of an insurrection is returning to the scene of the crime,” Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., told Politico. “January 6th was a crime against the Capitol, that saw Nazi and Confederate flags flying under the dome that Lincoln built. It was a crime against the Constitution and its peaceful transfer of power, in a desperate attempt to cling to power.”

Multiple reporters from foreign outlets asked lawmakers if they too think Trump was returning to the scene of a crime. 

“No, it’s not a crime scene man,” Burchett said. “If you think some guy with horns is going to take over our country, ma’am, you need to go back to whatever news source you’re from.”

Republicans also said Trump will be holding at least 100 tele-town halls for members this election season as the GOP attempts to keep its House majority and win a majority in the Senate.

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Former President Donald Trump came to Capitol Hill Thursday to meet with House and Senate Republicans in two separate meetings. Lawmakers inside the room told Straight Arrow News that Trump talked about his 2024 campaign strategy and policy. 

Former President Donald Trump: “We have great unity, we have great common sense, a lot of very smart people in this room and a lot of people that love our country.” 

Lawmakers were quick to talk about the former President’s new idea – ending taxes on tips. 

Rep. Tim Burchett, R-TN,: “just remove all taxes on tips is basically what he said. I don’t it doesn’t you don’t need a bunch of Harvard lawyers and accountants in there to tell me to do that.” 

The President also spoke about foreign policy and according to one representative said he wants to end support for foreign wars, specifically Ukraine, and increase financial support for members of the U-S miltary. . 

Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-FL: “Trump reflected on the fact that it is a travesty in our country, that you’ve got troops who are on food stamps, who are not even getting minimum wage when you look at the hours that they’re putting in, and he lamented the fact that we’re sending $60 billion to Ukraine, and we’re not paying our troops more. So President Trump was explicitly a critic of the Ukraine aid and a supporter of the increases in pay for American troops.”  

On border security, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene said they would make another attempt getting HR2 signed into law. That’s the Republican’s border security bill that they passed in the House but could not move any further. It would limit the Department of Homeland Security’s ability to grant immigrant parole and restart border wall construction but also included other measures that critics called harsh. 

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-GA: “We’ve already passed HR to our border security plan. President Trump supports it. I think that would be something that he would get passed, literally in his first few days of office.”

Amidst the tight security there were two small groups of Trump supporters and very loud protestors. 

Rep. Rich McCormick R-GA: “don’t hear Americans speak, we have to yell. At anybody whenever you go, all you do is yell. It’s never it’s never convinced anybody” 


This was Trump’s first time back to the Capitol since the January 6th 2021 riot. Some Democrats criticized his appearance. Speaker Emerita Nancy told Politico: “Today, the instigator of an insurrection is returning to the scene of the crime. January 6th was a crime against the Capitol, that saw Nazi and Confederate flags flying under the dome that Lincoln built. It was a crime against the Constitution and its peaceful transfer of power, in a desperate attempt to cling to power. 


Reporter: “Did Trump return to the crime scene of January the sick today?”

Rep. Tim Burchett, R-TN: “No, no, it’s not a crime scene man. If you think some guy with horns is going to take over our country. Ma’am, you need to go back to whatever, whatever news source you’re from.” 

Republicans are also working on a bill that would allow the President to move state trials to federal court, but that does not have a chance at being approved in the current Congress. For more news straight from DC, download the straight arrow news app.