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A Trump indictment is coming soon


Dr. Rashad Richey

National TV Political Analyst, Talk Radio Host, Univ. Prof.


Former Attorney General William Barr is not alone in thinking the Department of Justice is “very close” to having the evidence it needs to indict Donald Trump over his mishandling of top secret documents taken from the White House. And there’s increasing speculation that the former president will announce his bid for re-election sometime after the midterms. Are the two related? Politically speaking, it’d be harder for the DOJ to indict a presidential candidate than a former president who is not running. Straight Arrow News contributor Rashad Richey makes the case that an indictment could come down in a matter of weeks, not months.

Okay, Donald Trump is going to be indicted. Soon. Yes, that’s my opinion. But I think it’s spot on. Now remember, I was one of the first commentators to say, conclusively, that Donald Trump was under federal criminal investigation well before the FBI raided his Mar-a-Lago home. I was right then. And I’m right now. Cases like this can take years to investigate. There will not be years to indict. As a matter of fact, he may be indicted in months, if not weeks. 

Now, what is Trump planning to do? Trump plans to announce he’s running for president after the midterm elections. He has already floated the idea of Marjorie Taylor Greene being his vice presidential running mate. The reason why he is not going to announce right now is because it changes the reality of Republicans in the midterm season. 

You see Democrats can run against Donald Trump during the midterms if Donald Trump announces he’s going to run for president now. But after the midterms, that no longer becomes an issue. But it also creates some significant backlash as it relates to Republicans who have not figured out exactly how to deal with the Trump effect in the party.

But there’s another element here. The reason why I believe this investigation is much closer to a conclusion than what many believe – remember, Andrew Weissmann, the former counsel of the FBI and a prosecutor for Robert Mueller’s special counsel team, said in a recent report that the FBI is questioning more people than they believed at first. This suggests that the investigation is much further along than anyone imagined. 

Okay, Donald Trump is going to be indicted. Soon. Yes, that’s my opinion. But I think it’s spot on. Now remember, I was one of the first commentators to say, conclusively, that Donald Trump was under federal criminal investigation well before the FBI raided his Mar-a-Lago home. I was right then. And I’m right now. Cases like this can take years to investigate. There will not be years to indict. As a matter of fact, he may be indicted in months, if not weeks. 

Now, what is Trump planning to do? Trump plans to announce he’s running for president after the midterm elections. He has already floated the idea of Marjorie Taylor Greene being his vice presidential running mate. The reason why he is not going to announce right now is because it changes the reality of Republicans in the midterm season. 

You see, Democrats can run against Donald Trump during the midterms if Donald Trump announces he’s going to run for president now. But after the midterms, that no longer becomes an issue. But it also creates some significant backlash as it relates to Republicans who have not figured out exactly how to deal with the Trump effect in the party.

But there’s another element here. The reason why I believe this investigation is much closer to a conclusion than what many believe – remember, Andrew Weisman, the former counsel of the FBI and a prosecutor for Robert Mueller’s special counsel team, said in a recent report that the FBI is questioning more people than they believed at first. This suggests that the investigation is much further along than anyone imagined. 

Also, there’s a key figure. Remember the guy remember Patel? Kash Patel, who initially defended Donald Trump? The guy who initially said Trump can declassify by way of just saying it? Well, that person is now being sought to testify, according to this information, in front of a federal grand jury. What does that also mean? 

That also means likely Kash Patel is going to receive immunity to testify about his knowledge of Donald Trump’s conclusion referencing declassification. Now, yes, it is unprecedented, obviously, to indict a former president of the United States. 

But this president, this former president, is unprecedented as well. It is a radical move for a radical person in a radical time. So while many believe that Donald Trump would never be indicted – like Chris Christie, he believes this indictment would not happen – I disagree with those individuals based on reading the outside of the matter.

Now, there’s an internal dynamic that none of us can see, none of us are privy to. But remember, there are people inside of this country who are well aware, members of the grand jury, those citizens, those judges, prosecutors, and even some of those who have testified, they already know what’s coming. 

And I believe this indictment is coming. So what are your thoughts?


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