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Congress was right to boot Rep. Ilhan Omar from Foreign Affairs


Star Parker

Founder & President, Center for Urban Renewal and Education


The removal of Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) from the Foreign Affairs Committee by House Republicans is the latest sign of the bitter partisan divide in Congress. Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and others cited Omar’s past comments about Israel and the 9/11 attacks, which even fellow Democrats condemned, as the reason for her ouster.

Straight Arrow News contributor Star Parker says Congress sent the right message by booting the Minnesota congresswoman from the Committee.

These progressives have used Black people and poor people in our country long enough to further their aggressive agenda of progressivism that doesn’t work anymore. It is Omar who stands in the way of what really helped people of color that are on the lower rung. She promotes abortion. She would not even think to say even after the child is born, that baby should not be killed. She stands in the way of school choice for money to follow children to schools parents want. She stands in the way of every idea that would actually help people that are on that bottom rung. 

So Washington is in a brighter day, now that she is out of hereAnd we hope that Kevin McCarthy, Speaker of the House, continues with his…courage. And we hope he continues with that courage because we have reforms that need to be done. We need to reform Social Security so it’s more personalized, so that people can own their futures. We need to reform all of the departments here in Washington, D.C. so that taxpayers will be free from paying for a pet project of all of these progressives and aggressive liberals who are hurting this country. 

This is a first step – Omar’s off the committee. And now we can look for ways to get some of these other progressives off of committees, including foreign affairs committees, when they so hate America. 

This is a good day. Black History Month is about celebration of unity, and how Black people have built this country, helped build this country to its greatness, not an opportunity to tear it down. This is an opportunity for us to celebrate our greatness together so that we will be e pluribus unum, not led by people who have a disdain for this country and a disdain for Israel.

Well, it looks like there might be some courage in Washington DC after all with the new leadership in the House. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy took great steps to kick Congresswoman Omar off the House Foreign Affairs Committee. And there’s some rejoicing going on because of this move. 

Many are glad that she’s no longer on the House Foreign Affairs Committee. She has expressed her anti-semitism enough for all of us to bear. It was really interesting, because when she first arrived in Washington, DC from the great state of Minnesota, Congresswoman Omar began to espouse her anti semitism right there in front of all of her Jewish colleagues to where Nancy Pelosi was going to put her off, or at least there was some discussions that this one’s a handful. But no, then Louis Farrakhan weighed in and said, “Wait, whoa, whoa, she’s, they’re bidding for many and encouraged her to continue with her aggression against America, and Americanism. And now she’s on the committee. 

And this is really good news. This is really good news, not just for those that are sick and tired of her demands as a progressive, this is really good news for black America, and other peoples of color that they pretend that they represent these progressives, every time they get a chance to open their mouths. She wants to play the race card. Now she wants to bring Africa into it. Well, we can have a whole lot of discussions about that. Because when you’re anti Israel, and you’re anti American, then enemies your anti freedom, and the ideals that may be so these countries so enviable, I suppose I don’t know what is really grounded in moving her to constantly bash America and bash Israel. 

But George Gilder wrote a book called The Israel test years ago. And it’s a fascinating read to say, why is that country so successful? Why is America so successful? And you got to ask yourself, why Somalia, her home country, and many of the other countries in Africa are not so successful. These progressives have used black people and poor people in our country long enough to further their aggressive agenda of progressivism, that doesn’t work anywhere. It is Omar that stands in the way of what really helped people of color that are on the lower round. She promotes abortion, she would not even think to say even after the child is born, that baby should not be killed. She stands in the way of school choice for money to follow children to schools parents want, she stands in the way of every idea that would actually help people that are on that bottom rung. 

So Washington is in a brighter day, now that she is out of here. And we hope that Kevin McCarthy, Speaker of the House continues with his his he’s got some courage. And we hope he continues with that courage because we have reforms that need to be done. We need to reform Social Security so it’s more personalized so that people can own their futures. We need to reform all of the departments here in Washington DC so that taxpayers will be free from paying for a pet project of all of these uh, progressives and aggressive liberals that are hurting this country. This is a first step Omar’s up the committee. And now we can look for ways to get some of these other progressives off of committees, including Foreign Affairs Committees when they so hate America. 

This is a good day, Black History Month is about celebration of unity, and how black people have built this country helped build this country to its greatness, not an opportunity to tear it down. This is an opportunity for us to celebrate our greatness together so that we will be a Pluribus Unum not led by people who have a disdain for this country and a disdain for Israel.

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