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Nikki Haley’s new book aims to unite America and rescue us from liberal madness

Star Parker Founder & President, Center for Urban Renewal and Education

There is very little that Democrats and Republicans can agree on in these hyper-partisan times. But something for which there is little room to debate is how Americans view the government. To put it bluntly, most people think our government is failing the people and doing a terrible job. There is ample proof found in recent poll data.

Latest Gallup polling shows just 24% of Americans are satisfied with how things are going in their country.

Recent polling from Pew Research shows only 24% of Americans say they trust their government to do the right thing “always” or “most of the time.”

The only thing Americans seem to agree on these days is dissatisfaction with their government and the state of affairs in their country.

Nikki Haley, the former governor of South Carolina and the one-time ambassador to the UN under president Trump, knows that faith and trust in government are at an all-time low, as more and more people open their eyes to the economically and socially disastrous policies of the Biden administration.

That’s why she has released a new e-book called “American Strength: Conservative Solutions Worth Fighting For,” which addresses how we should tackle the situations at home and abroad that will dominate the U.S. agenda for years to come. It is a blueprint for a conservative-led reinvention of American policy that can help the country climb out from under the massive inflation and national debt that threatens to cripple our economy. 

This policy book also looks at social and cultural dilemmas that undermine the family dynamic that is the lynchpin of American life. Whether or not this book marks a step forward in Haley’s possible entry into the 2024 presidential race remains to be seen. But there are many people who think the US has lost its way, and President Biden’s chaotic first year has only made things worse. This new book is the roadmap we need to get us back on the right path.

Conservatives get a bad rap that they are part of a party of “no.” That the GOP is against everything and never clear on what they are for.

Well, Nikki Haley is one conservative that the left will have a hard time pinning the accusation of not having a broad vision on.

Nikki Haley, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, has released a new comprehensive policy book, issued by her organization Stand for America, serving up conservative solutions to many of our nation’s challenges — both domestic and foreign.

It’s called “American Strength: Conservative Solutions Worth Fighting For” and its worthy to be taken very seriously at this inflection point of our deeply divided and disillusioned country. 

Latest Gallup polling shows just 24% of Americans are satisfied with how things are going in their country.

Recent polling from Pew Research shows only 24% of Americans say they trust their government to do the right thing “always” or “most of the time.”

The only thing Americans seem to agree on these days is dissatisfaction with their government and the state of affairs in their country.

Per Pew, data reporting trust in government started in 1958, when the National Election Study first began asking the question. 

Those years from the late 1950s to the early 1970s were the last time – except for a brief moment in October 2001 after the terrorist attacks on 9/11 – that 50% or more of Americans surveyed said they trust their government to do the right thing. 

What is interesting on this question of trust in government is the vast expansion of government power and intrusion into the lives of citizens since the 60s and 70s.

It appears that the more government goes where it doesn’t belong, the less confidence and trust that citizens feel towards their government. 

Only when we were attacked on 9/11, when government was the focus of what is clearly its job — national defense — did trust get back above the 50% numbers held before the 60s.

This policy book of conservative solutions couldn’t be more timely.

Information regarding the economic and cultural fronts in our nation radiates troubling news.

Inflation is surging for the first time in over 30 years. 

National debt is growing to dangerous levels, equal to the size of our whole national economy with projections from the Congressional Budget Office that it will get much worse.

Our entitlement programs — Social Security and Medicare — have severe financing projections that will make it impossible to continue without major reforms.

Culturally, family and marriage are collapsing. Birth rates are at historic lows, and surveys show Americans of ages where families are formed, indicate low interest in having children.

Our country is badly in need of a 21st-century conservative makeover. 

We need bold and vibrant conservative leadership to get us back on track with policies driven by traditional American values of limited government.

Nikki Haley and Stand for America serve up a emboldened vision and a vivacious plan with this new policy book American Strength: Conservative Solutions Worth Fighting For. I’m in it, I’m excited about it because it’s a winning solution for our great country, our culture and in particular for people that are trying to get to that first rung that are living in our poorest and most distressed communities.

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