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Tucker Carlson’s Jan. 6 lies on Fox News all about the money

Dr. Rashad Richey National TV Political Analyst, Talk Radio Host, Univ. Prof.

After several Republicans questioned the Jan. 6 Select Committee’s final report, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) granted Fox News host Tucker Carlson exclusive access to surveillance footage of the attack for the sake of “transparency.” On his Fox News show, Carlson released never-before-seen footage of the attack, calling it “mostly peaceful chaos,” sparking a backlash from both Democrat and Republican lawmakers alike.

Straight Arrow News contributor Rashad Richey argues Carlson is dangerously attempting to revise history and is motivated by one thing in particular: money.

Okay, let’s talk about something called revisionist history. It is a fancy terminology that means “lies.” Tucker Carlson decided to do a segment on his news program and during this segment, he proposed that the January 6th terrorist attack, the riot at the United States Capitol, was somehow all fictional. And it was actually a peaceful event. But the reality is he simply manipulated video, manipulated the narrative to manipulate the historical context.

Why is that important? It’s important because revisionist history always has an agenda contrary to the truth. Revisionist history basically supports the idea that it is okay to tell a lie and for others to believe it. Now remember, Tucker Carlson works for fix [sic], I mean, Fox News. It is a safe haven for many, many, many deceitful things. Even Tucker’s own text messages — which have been revealed because of the lawsuit and the litigation provided by way of Dominion Voting Systems — have been exposed. Tucker Carlson says one thing via text to a friend or maybe a staffer, and he says something totally different to those who watch his program.

So he does this thing to do what? To win the heart and soul of his viewer because his street cred was in question based on his own comments about Donald Trump, calling him a “demonic force,” or saying he passionately hates Donald Trump. All of this via text message has been exposed.

So what does Tucker do? Instead of directly answering the elephant in the room, he decides to do a program that is so full of lies, so full of manipulation. He knew that those who watch Fox News, those who still love Donald Trump, and all the lies Trump tells would somehow come back to the fold. It was a money move. Not a culture move. Not a social move. Not even a commentary move. It was a money move.

Okay, let’s talk about something called revisionist history. It is a fancy terminology that means lies. Tucker Carlson decided to do a segment on his news program. And during this segment, he proposed that the January 6, terrorist attack, the riot at the United States Capitol was somehow all fictional. And it was actually a peaceful event. But the reality is he simply manipulated video manipulated the narrative to manipulate the historical context. Why is that important? It’s important because revisionist history always has an agenda. Contrary to the truth, revisionist history basically supports the idea that it is okay to tell a lie and for others to believe it. Now, remember, Tucker Carlson works for fix, I mean, Fox News. It is a safe haven for many, many, many deceitful things. Even Tucker’s own text messages, which have been revealed because of the lawsuit and the litigation, provided by way of Dominion voting systems have exposed to cost and says one thing via text to a friend or maybe a staffer, and he says something totally different to those who watch his program. So he does this thing to do what? To win the heart and soul of his viewer, because his street cred was in question, based on his own comments about Donald Trump, calling him a demonic force, or saying he passionately hate Donald Trump. All of this via text message has been exposed. So what does Tucker do? Instead of directly answering the elephant in the room, he decides to do a program that is so full of lies, so full of manipulation. He knew that those who watch Fox News, those who still love Donald Trump, and all the last trump tails would somehow come back to the fold. It was a money move. Not a culture move. Not a social move. Not even a commentary move. It was a money move. Now, here’s what’s interesting. Mitch McConnell comes out and says, basically, he stands against Fox News, Tucker Carlson and their reporting. Good for you, Mitch. But here’s the thing. You kind of stood with the lies yourself. And in the midst of that you helped indoctrinate the same people who would prefer to be lied to than told the truth. And then when McConnell is posed the question about McCarthy, the speaker who gave Tucker Carlson, this footage, he says, Well, this is more about how it was used, not about how it was given. And then McCarthy, the speaker, the feckless speaker who defies medical science by standing upright, with no backbone. He’s questioned about the use that Tucker Carlson engaged in, which is contrary to the truth antithetical to the police, and completely unAmerican. When McCarthy has posed the question, do you do you have an issue with how Tucker Carlson used this footage? He said, No. I want things to be transparent. Ladies and gentlemen, you can see through all of the madness that’s happening. These are intentional lies. These are not good faith, opinions. These these are lies, and this is manipulation, meant to cast the narrative contrary to truth, but I believe he’s smarter than that. I don’t believe just because people are powerful, they will be believed. At this point. There has to be an awakening and awakening to at least a good faith conversation, even if we still disagree on the political process. 

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