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Media Misses by the Left

Media Misses by the Right

Media Misses

The Federal Communications Commission is expediting a deal allowing George Soros' acquisition of over 200 U.S. radio stations. Getty Images
36 sources 4% from the left

The FCC is fast-tracking Soros’ acquisition of 200 radio stations

Left 4%
Center 0%
Right 96%
Vice President Kamala Harris chose Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate after President Joe Biden stepped aside. With just 16 days to decide, Harris selected the lesser-known Walz following his effective media tour, outshining other candidates with his relatability and direct approach. Known for his practicality and lack of personal ambition, Walz is seen as a loyal partner who complements Harris's style. Their choice reflects a strategic partnership, aiming to blend his Midwestern appeal with her evolving national image, as Harris bets on his charm to connect with American voters. Getty Images
9 sources 0% from the left

Walz state education appointee called for the US to be ‘overthrown’ and ‘deconstructed’

Left 0%
Center 0%
Right 100%
A Texas man, Travis Mullis, was executed by lethal injection for killing his 3-month-old son over 16 years ago. AP Images
9 sources 0% from the right

Texas man who waived his right to appeal death sentence is executed for killing infant son

Left 67%
Center 33%
Right 0%
California avocado growers are upset over a U.S. decision to transfer pest inspections of Mexican orchards to Mexico, leading pest concerns. Getty Images
26 sources 0% from the right

US to hand over pest inspections of Mexican avocados to Mexico and California growers aren’t happy

Left 46%
Center 54%
Right 0%
Sales of new homes across the U.S. in August 2024 dropped less than expected according to thee U.S. Department of Commerce's new report. Getty Images
16 sources 0% from the left

New home sales dropped less than expected ahead of Fed rate cut

Left 0%
Center 50%
Right 50%
Influential pollster Gallup said in a new report that the political environment this year favors Republicans for the presidency. Getty Images
8 sources 0% from the left

Political environment favors Republicans: Gallup

Left 0%
Center 50%
Right 50%
Mark Robinson vowed to rebuild his campaign staff after several aides quit and a Republican group withdrew support due to a CNN report. Getty Images
21 sources 0% from the right

Mark Robinson vows to rebuild his staff for North Carolina governor as Republican group backs away

Left 40%
Center 60%
Right 0%
Nebraska State Sen. Mike McDonnell said he will not support changing Nebraska's electoral college law before the November election. Getty Images
23 sources 6% from the right

Key Nebraska Republican comes out against electoral college rule-change

Left 44%
Center 50%
Right 6%
Vice President Kamala Harris previously opposed deporting illegal immigrants while serving as a California senator. Getty Images
29 sources 6% from the left

Kamala Harris’ old video protesting deportation of migrants with disgraced celebrity resurfaces

Left 6%
Center 6%
Right 88%
Internal documents show that the U.S. Air Force aims to reduce the percentage of white males in the ROTC officer applicant program by 2029. Getty Images
23 sources 0% from the left

US Air Force has DEI ‘goal’ to reduce ‘white male population’ in officer ranks: Report

Left 0%
Center 0%
Right 100%
Hezbollah and Israel exchange heavy fire as conflict escalates, with rockets and airstrikes reported on both sides of border. Getty Images
16 sources 15% from the right

Israel says operations in Lebanon will continue until safe for evacuees to return

Left 54%
Center 31%
Right 15%
Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., allegedly attended a drug-fueled sex party with a 17-year-old girl, according to new court filings. Getty Images
24 sources 0% from the right

Matt Gaetz accused in new court filings of attending drug-fueled sex party with teen

Left 90%
Center 10%
Right 0%

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