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After Biden-Xi meeting, one leader clearly holds the upper hand

Larry Lindsey President & CEO, The Lindsey Group

Last week, President Joe Biden and China leader Xi Jinping met in Bali for three hours in their first face-to-face talk since Biden became president. According to Biden, the two leaders were “very blunt with one another” and that “there need not be a new Cold War.” Straight Arrow News contributor Larry Lindsey breaks down their discussion and explains the signs pointing to Xi having the upper hand in the relationship.

President Biden and Chinese First Secretary of the Communist Party, Xi Jinping, had their first face-to-face meeting since Biden became president, in Bali.

Now, you watch the spin on our news, but to understand the totality of what happened, you have to watch what both sides were saying. You have to separate out pablum and wishfulness versus direct statements and results.

So let’s start with the American side.

The president went out and said that based on his conversations, he has doubts that there will be any imminent invasion of Taiwan, quote, “I don’t believe there’s a need for concern about a new Cold War. I don’t believe,” he said. Another line: “I sought to convince Xi that a nuclear North Korea is not in China’s interest.” Finally on Xi, Biden said Xi was the way he’s always been — direct and straightforward. And finally, to top it all off, Biden volunteered because of the better than expected showing in the elections, quote, “I know I’m coming in stronger, but I don’t need that.”

But keep those in mind. Now, as far as the political “coming in stronger,” Xi said nothing about that. But Xi is coming in much, much stronger than he was. He had just gotten an unprecedented third term as head of the party. He is the strongest Chinese leader since Mao. And to show his strength, he publicly humiliated his predecessor, Hu Jintao, by having him effectively arrested from the seat next to him in the middle of the Party Congress. This is a man who basically eats 80-year-old heads-of-state for lunch — and enjoys it.

President Biden and Chinese First Secretary of the Communist Party, Zhi Jing ping, had their first face to face meeting since Biden became president in Bali. Now, you watch the spin on our news, but to understand what the totality of what happened, you have to watch what both sides were saying. You have to separate out pablum and wishful illness versus direct statements and results. So let’s start with the American side. The President went out and said that, based on his conversations, he has doubts that there will be any imminent invasion of Taiwan. Quote, I don’t believe there’s a need for concern about a new Cold War. I don’t believe he said. Another line, I sought to convince GE, this is that a nuclear North Korea is not in China’s interest. Finally on Gee, Biden said she was the way he’s always been direct and straightforward. And finally, to top it all off, Biden volunteered. Because of the better than expected showing in the elections, quote, I know I’m coming in stronger, but I don’t need that. But keep those in mind. Now, as far as the political coming in stronger, she said nothing about that. But G is coming in much, much stronger than he was. He had just gotten an unprecedented third term as head of the party. He is the strongest Chinese leader since Mao. And to show his strength. He publicly humiliated his predecessor, who Jintao by having him effectively arrested from the seat next to him in the middle of the Party Congress. This is a man who basically eats 80 year old foreign excuse me, 80 year old heads of state

for lunch and enjoys it. What did the Global Times that’s the Chinese Communist Party’s mouthpiece have to say?

First, they pointed out the US asked for the meeting. Second, the US was willing to come to Beijing’s hotel. It’s a sign of deference. Secretary of State Blinken is going to go to Beijing. Again, we’re going to be supplicants going to their capitol. And finally, they pointed out that the whole thing is the fault of the United States. It was based on Pelosi is tripped Taipei, that’s Taiwan, capital of Taiwan, which led them to cut off all conversations. It was the US that was desperate to restart talking. Finally, they said Taiwan is the central red line for Chinese policy. Well, it doesn’t sound like the Chinese thought they gave anything. They thought the Americans were capitulating by asking for the conference, coming to their place for the meetings, going to Beijing after the meetings, et cetera, et cetera. Whereas President Trump, President Biden didn’t come away saying he had actually convinced GE of anything or gotten anything from him. He said, I don’t believe there’s a concern. I sought to convince Ge, Ge was the way he’s always been direct and straightforward. Well, you can take a look at that. And if you’re on a foreign planet staring down, you know who won and who lost. GE wanted to get up front face to face view of Biden. He wanted to know who he is up against. Again, he had just survived his contest for the head of the Communist Party by doing the same thing. He trusts his instincts about people. That’s why he wanted to meet Biden. I think coming away from it. G came away smiling. He realizes he holds the upper hand, and that Biden’s probably on net afraid of him. 


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