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Ruben Navarrette Columnist, host & author

Here’s why Biden doesn’t get credit for his accomplishments

Ruben Navarrette Columnist, host & author

President Joe Biden’s White House has highlighted several achievements in service to the American people, like reducing their expenses, altering the trajectory of the COVID-19 pandemic and revitalizing U.S. infrastructure. Despite these accomplishments, recent polls show a majority of Americans seem to be placing greater emphasis on other intangibles, such as President Biden’s age.

Straight Arrow News contributor Ruben Navarrette explains why Americans don’t give President Biden credit for his accomplishments.

But even if we go along with the Democrat talking point, that somehow Biden has been a smashing success in office…so what? You want somebody who puts legislative points on the board? Well, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis could be your guy. He has a ton of legislative wins to brag about back in Florida. Now, it’s a bunch of disgusting right-wing stuff that I don’t agree with, but they’re wins nonetheless. Still, even if you’re impressed enough to support DeSantis, you might not get the chance to vote for him. That guy’s a dead man walking, losing money, replacing staff, floundering in the polls.

Why? It’s the same reason that Biden’s record isn’t helping him with his voters. See, people don’t vote for candidates based on their record or their resume. Those are rational considerations. People pick their candidates based on emotion. What matters isn’t what you’ve done–it’s how you make people feel about you.

Americans vote for candidates based on competence, confidence and comfort — the three Cs. Biden has taken hits on all fronts. Many Americans question his competence, have no confidence that he can do the job and they don’t feel comfortable having an 80-year-old man sitting in the Oval Office.

That’s why Biden doesn’t get more credit for what he has done. Americans are too busy being concerned about what he might do next.

I do love TV commentary analysis. And there’s just one question I always get asked by liberal news anchors who appear to support President Biden. The question goes something like this. What accounts for the President’s low approval ratings? Why isn’t he getting more credit for everything he’s done? Well, I have an answer. But first, anyone who had asked that question probably has in mind, a list of Biden achievements. Maybe they range from taming inflation, bringing down gas prices, creating new jobs, to withdrawing Afghanistan, strengthening NATO and standing up to Russia after its invasion of Ukraine. You could also argue that Biden restore dignity and maturity to the White House and eliminated the 24/7 drama ginned up by the former occupant. The President has several legislative accomplishments to his credit. He signed legislation to rebuild the nation’s infrastructure, lower health care costs, fight climate change reform, police, regulate guns and support mental health. And when there was a Supreme Court vacancy, Biden filled it by nominating the supremely qualified katachi brown Jackson. That’s a solid record, yet only scores about 40%. That was the President’s approval rating in August, according to Reuters Ipsos Meanwhile, 54% of Americans say they outright disapprove of Biden’s performance in office. If we’re handing out grades. That’s an F for the President. Yet I recently saw a sampling of opinions by columnist at the Washington Post my employer for the last 23 years. They all thought Biden was doing a swell job, no matter what the public thinks. It’s no wonder the American people have little trust and confidence in my profession. Much of the pundit class seems baffled by Biden’s poor showing with the public. They appear to be asking what more do people want? I’m happy to provide the answer. But first, let’s take a closer look at Biden’s record in office in full inflation, which had been at a record high appears to be coming down. That’s true, but not fast enough for the Federal Reserve which keeps raising interest rates, which may also be hurting the economy. The US Mexico border is in chaos. Even though Biden has adopted so many of the old and discredit Trump schemes to keep out migrants and refugees, that the ACLU is suing the administration, crime, homelessness and Urban Decay are spiraling out of control in many US cities. And many local leaders, including Democrats say they’re not getting enough help from the White House. And while Biden promised to bring the country together, Americans seem more divided than ever due to the culture wars. But even if we go along with the Democratic talking point, that somehow Biden has been a smashing success in office. So what you want somebody who puts legislative points on the board? Well, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, could be your guy. He has a ton of legislative wins to brag about back in Florida. Now it’s a bunch of disgusting right wing stuff that I don’t agree with, but their wins nonetheless. Still, even if you’re impressed enough to support DeSantis, you might not get the chance to vote for him. That guy’s a dead man walking losing money replacing staff floundering in the polls. Why? It’s the same reason that Biden’s record isn’t helping him with his voters. See people don’t vote for candidates based on their record or their resume. Those are rational considerations. People pick their candidates based on emotion. What matters isn’t what you’ve done. It’s how you make people feel about you. Americans vote for candidates based on competence, confidence and comfort the three C’s Biden has taken hits all fronts. Many Americans question his competence, have no confidence that he can do the job and they don’t feel comfortable having an 80 year old man sitting in the Oval Office. That’s why Biden doesn’t get more credit for what he has done. Americans are too busy being concerned about what he might do next.

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