
Straight Arrow News is committed to fair, factual, unbiased journalism that encourages viewers to make up their own minds. In addition to the facts, we believe it’s vital to hear arguments from all sides of the political spectrum. We hope these different voices will help you reach your own conclusions. The opinions published in this section are solely those of the contributors and do not reflect the views of Straight Arrow News.

In a world where everyone has an opinion about everything, the etiquette for navigating awkward conversations is fraught with pitfalls.
Liberal Opinion
February 9

My 2-step etiquette guide to navigating those awkward conversations

Author; Founding Editor, Ramshackle Glam

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Is racism thwarting efforts to legalize cannabis -- which is still classified as a Schedule 1 drug, like heroin, despite its medicinal value?
Liberal Opinion
February 8

Fight racism and Big Pharma to legalize marijuana

Legal analyst, law professor & award-winning author

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Right-wing politicians are using a dangerous narrative when framing President Biden's decision to shoot down a suspected Chinese spy balloon.
Liberal Opinion
February 7

Right-wing reaction to Chinese balloon incident is dangerous

Host of The David Pakman Show

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Former President Donald Trump and Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) using COVID-19 as a campaign strategy prove obtaining power is their primary goal.
Liberal Opinion
February 3

Trump, DeSantis using COVID-19 as campaign strategy and power play

National TV Political Analyst, Talk Radio Host, Univ. Prof.

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Traumatic events like school shootings are hard to ignore, and following the news poses mental health risks, but we can control what we watch.
Liberal Opinion
February 2

All this exposure to nation’s tragedies is messing us up

Author; Founding Editor, Ramshackle Glam

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The Florida governor's removal of the AP African American History course from high schools in his state is nothing short of blatant racism.
Liberal Opinion
February 1

Wait, a Black history course has no educational value?

Legal analyst, law professor & award-winning author

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Not everyone is buying Governor Gavin Newsom's declaration he won't run for president in 2024, especially after the classified documents scandal.
Liberal Opinion
January 31

Governor Gavin Newsom is ready to run in 2024

Columnist, host & author

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Now that the GOP has lifted the 2007 ban on smoking inside our nation's Capitol, will their attitudes change toward legalizing cannabis?
Liberal Opinion
January 30

A GOP victory! You can now smoke in Congress! Yay!

Host of The David Pakman Show

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Fans leaving a Drake concert at the famed Apollo Theater in NYC were surprised to find themselves being filmed by NYPD without permission.
Liberal Opinion
January 27

NYPD filming Drake fans without permission is plain wrong

National TV Political Analyst, Talk Radio Host, Univ. Prof.

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Igor Danchenko was acquitted of lying to the FBI, but some believe more information will come out in the investigation's final report.
Conservative Opinion
October 25

Let’s wait for the final report on the Durham investigation

Federalist Senior Contributor; Claremont Institute Fellow

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It could have been the EU or the U.S., but Putin is likely behind the Nord Stream leaks which will result in permanent economic damage.
Conservative Opinion
October 24

Putin most likely sabotaged the Nord Stream 2 pipeline

President & CEO, The Lindsey Group

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Teachers' unions control over public schools kept schools closed too long, an indication their outsized influence must be contained.
Conservative Opinion
October 21

Teachers’ unions control over public schools must be contained

Founder & President, Center for Urban Renewal and Education

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Biden's border policy has left us with an immigrant crisis and his energy policies are leading us towards stagflation.
Conservative Opinion
October 20

Biden’s energy and border policies will hurt him in 2024

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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Putin could use nuclear weapons
Conservative Opinion
October 19

The threat of Putin, Russia using nuclear weapons is very real

Former House Speaker; Chairman of Gingrich 360

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PayPal says the user policy that called for fines for misinformation was never supposed to be published. So why was it written at all?
Conservative Opinion
October 18

PayPal backtracks on user policy, but its message was clear

Federalist Senior Contributor; Claremont Institute Fellow

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Inflation continues to be a huge concern for the U.S. That's why we should not expect the Fed to stop raising interest rates anytime soon.
Conservative Opinion
October 17

Don’t expect the Fed to stop raising interest rates anytime soon

President & CEO, The Lindsey Group

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The Supreme Court will hear arguments about whether or not a person's race should be considered when deciding admissions to college.
Conservative Opinion
October 14

It’s time to end affirmative action in college admissions

Founder & President, Center for Urban Renewal and Education

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President Biden has been imposing limits on fossil fuels, while promoting green energy policies. His strategy will weaken the country.
Conservative Opinion
October 13

Biden’s limits on fossil fuels will weaken US economy

Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute

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In one of the nastiest senatorial races in the country, Herschel Walker will beat out incumbent Rafael Warnock to claim the seat in Georgia.
Conservative Opinion
October 12

Herschel Walker will win over Warnock in nasty Georgia Senate race

Former House Speaker; Chairman of Gingrich 360

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