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Dr. Rashad Richey National TV Political Analyst, Talk Radio Host, Univ. Prof.

PragerU sets sights on Florida, rewriting history of slavery

Dr. Rashad Richey National TV Political Analyst, Talk Radio Host, Univ. Prof.

The Florida Board of Education has approved the use of PragerU Kids videos, a conservative educational platform, in K-12 classrooms. Florida has made other controversial changes to their education system recently, such as banning certain books and altering slavery-related curricula.

Straight Arrow News contributor Dr. Rashad Richey argues Florida’s efforts to manipulate historical narratives, including portraying slave masters in a positive light, are profoundly disturbing.

This is the de-evolution of a societal construct contextualized through a state known as Florida. That doesn’t just stop, obviously here. Look at the progression. First, the state of Florida said we must pass legislation to stop the indoctrination of our children. Who were they talking about? They were talking about white children, not Black children. They were not talking about Brown children. They were talking about white children.

And what did they utilize as their entry point, their gateway? Well, they said critical race theory, which by the way, is a complex, advanced level theoretical framework, utilized in doctoral studies and JD programs — never taught in K-12 education …. but it was a catch-all and to the messaging — to the messengers — who wanted it to be a great evil, the messaging had to follow. 

The law was passed, but guess what it didn’t have in the law? It said nothing about critical race theory. And then they passed the anti-woke legislation and then blocked African American studies, mandated that slavery be taught as a great benefit.

Okay, the state of Florida. Well, they’re at it again. What are they doing? Making up history. Well as it relates to, you know, Black people and enslavement. So PragerU, an unaccredited organization, has been adopted as part of the let’s just a curriculum of the Florida educational system. This is the same PragerU that was founded in 2009 by Alan Estrin and conservative talk radio personality, Dennis Prager.


One of their, let’s just say claims to fame, is having a cartoon depiction of Frederick Douglass, an outspoken anti slavery activist, having him in a cartoon form, saying some of the most insane things you’ve ever heard, such as Douglass telling children that slavery was a part of life over all and all over the world, and that it was America that began the conversation to end slavery. According to this depiction of Frederick Douglass, William Lloyd Garrison, a fellow anti slavery activist from his time, in the PragerU video says, quote, William refuses to compromise, demands immediate change, and if he doesn’t get what he wants, he likes to set things on fire. Sounds familiar? The kids reply, quote, we’ve got that type in our time, end quote, an apparent reference to the misappropriated dynamics toward a Black Lives Matter.


This is the de-evolution of a societal construct contextualized through a state known as Florida. That doesn’t just stop, obviously here. Look at the progression. First, the state of Florida said we must pass legislation to stop the indoctrination of our children. Who were they talking about? They were talking about white children, not Black children. They were not talking about brown children. They were talking about white children. And what did they utilize as their entry point, their gateway? Well, they said critical race theory, which by the way, is a complex, advanced level theoretical framework, utilized in doctoral studies and JD programs — never taught in K through 12 education. But it was a catch all and to the messaging, to the messengers who wanted it to be a great evil, the messaging had to follow. 


The law was passed, but guess what it didn’t have in the law? It said nothing about critical race theory. And then they passed the anti walk legislation and then blocked African American Studies. Mandated that slavery be taught as a great benefit — mandated the slaver be taught as a great benefit. And now, you have a cartoon character depicting a serious, revolutionary, who helped transform this nation for the better: Mr. Frederick Douglass.


I want to remind everyone about the slavery dynamic, while they’re trying to contextualize the history in a way that favors slave masters, making it seem digestible, talking about “they learned skills.” Slavery is what? Slavery is human trafficking, slavery is rape — Child abuse, murder, all of that. Have you ever heard anyone ask a person who has been trafficked: Well did you learn some valuable skills along the way? Those are my thoughts.


More from Dr. Rashad Richey

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