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David Pakman Host of The David Pakman Show

RFK’s true goal is to elect Donald Trump

David Pakman Host of The David Pakman Show

When Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. announced his intention to run as a presidential candidate, many Americans assumed that he would run as a Democrat. But some of his political positions, including his opposition to vaccines and mask mandates during the COVID-19 pandemic, aligned him more with Donald Trump’s MAGA camp. In the end, Kennedy chose to run unaffiliated with either party.

Straight Arrow News contributor David Pakman fears that RFK Jr.’s true intention – as recently stated by some of his own campaign staff – is to elect Donald Trump and prevent a second Joe Biden term. Far from being a Democrat or a true independent, Pakman argues that Kennedy is deliberately running as a spoiler candidate as a favor to Trump, and urges Democrats to vote for Biden in November.

During a recent meeting with supporters of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., his New York state director, Rita Palmer, made some stunning comments in which she said, “Hey, if you want to support Trump, you should go and door knock in Pennsylvania,” like she did in previous elections, where she says the goal here is to work together with Trump supporters to deny Joe Biden the presidency and 270 electoral votes.

This is so remarkable for a number of different ways that are worthy of discussion. And I believe, and I believe we’re already seeing it, that as this information gets out, fewer and fewer Democrats are going to be considering Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as a real alternative to Joe Biden.

From the beginning, we went back and forth: Does Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s candidacy help Joe Biden or help Donald Trump? On the one hand, RFK Jr.’s candidacy started as a Democratic challenge to Joe Biden within the Democratic primary and, of course, the Kennedy is a longtime Democratic family. At that point, the assumption and the belief was, “Oh, this is definitely better for Trump, because Democrat Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is going to take voters from Joe Biden more than he will from Donald Trump.”

However, then the focus of the campaign became foreign policy comments, including about Russia and Ukraine, that were certainly more sympathetic to Russia than to Ukraine, and aligned much more with the sort of stuff you hear going around in Trump’s circles. The anti-vax stuff, which Kennedy denies is anti-vax, but upon close examination, it is effectively anti-vax, anti-vax appealing much more to Trump supporters than the Biden supporters. And then Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said, “Hey, you know what, I’m actually going to run as an independent rather than as a Democrat.

During a recent meeting with supporters of Robert F. Kennedy Jr, his New York State Director, Rita Palmer, made some stunning comments in which she said, Hey, if you want to support Trump, you should go and door knock in Pennsylvania, like she did in previous elections, where she says the goal here is to work together with Trump supporters to deny Joe Biden the presidency and 270 electoral votes. This is so remarkable for a number of different ways that are worthy of discussion. And I believe, and I believe we’re already seeing it that that as this information gets out, fewer and fewer Democrats are going to be considering Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as a real alternative to Joe Biden. From the beginning. We went back and forth. Does Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s candidacy help Joe Biden or help Donald Trump on the one hand RFK Junior’s candidacy started as a democratic challenge to Joe Biden within the Democratic primary. And of course, the Kennedy is a longtime democratic family. At that point, the assumption and the belief was, oh, this is definitely better for Trump, because Democrat Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is going to take voters from Joe Biden more than he will from Donald Trump. However, then, the focus of the campaign became foreign policy comments, including about Russia and Ukraine, that we’re certainly more sympathetic to Russia than to Ukraine and aligned much more with the sort of stuff you hear going around in Trump’s circles. The anti Vax stuff, which Kennedy denies is anti Vax, but upon close examination, it is effectively anti Vax, anti Vax, appealing much more to Trump support supporters than the Biden supporters. And then Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said, hey, you know what, I’m actually going to run as an independent rather than as a Democrat. When that’ll happen, there was the idea. Maybe this is actually good for Biden and bad for Trump, Fox News, seemingly realizing that slowing down and almost completely halting the interviews of RFK Jr. But at the end of the day, as of about six to eight weeks ago, when you looked at polling had to had Trump versus Biden as compared to three way polling. When you added Robert F. Kennedy Jr. It worsened the situation for Joe Biden, and seem to help Donald Trump. We now have this video that was released, and it appears as though the Robert F. Kennedy Jr. campaign has been working to get the video off of YouTube, even though it’s been reproduced so many times that you can certainly find it, in which Rita Palmer says our mutual enemy is Biden. What we can look at doing is denying Biden the 270 electoral votes. If Republicans take the house in November, then the denial of 270 electoral votes to Biden would throw the election to the House of Representatives, which would then make trump the President of the United States. This is not what you normally hear from third party candidates. This is not about here is how Robert F. Kennedy Jr. can become president. This is how we can work together with Trump supporters to make sure Biden is not the president and Trump is and then I don’t know what I don’t know what Trump offers RFK Jr. So here’s my hope. My hope is that as more voters who are sort of toying with the idea, maybe I’ll stay home, maybe I’ll vote third party, RFK Jr, Cornel West, Jill Stein, whatever. I hope that the brazen and cynical nature of this becomes clear to them. And they will say, hey, you know what? Any action other than voting Biden helps Trump because Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has no path to the presidency. Cornel West has no path. Jill Stein has no path. I don’t even think any of them have enough ballot access to get 270 electoral votes, and people will hopefully realize, if I vote for RFK, or if I stay home, I make a Trump presidency more likely. This is the reality. It’s not about shaming people. It’s not about calling people stupid. It’s only about the only thing it’s about is saying my moral and ethical framework does not allow me to make an action or to take a step that is going to make it more likely that Trump is president. I think we’re starting to see that in the polls, because there are some recent polls in which the numbers are almost identical. When you add Robert F. Kennedy in there’s polling, for example, where in a head to head matchup, it’s Biden plus three, and in a three way matchup, it’s tied. That’s still a three point shift, but it’s not as dramatic as it once was. There’s polling where in a head to head matchup, it’s Biden plus one and in a three way matchup, it’s Trump plus one that’s only a two point swing. It’s still not good, but it’s better than it was the other sign that I am caught cautiously optimistic about is that while several months ago, you could regularly find polling in which Kennedy was polling 14 1618. He is much more frequently polling six, eight and nine. So my hope is that no matter what his intentions are, no matter what the intentions are of his voters, my hope is that he will not succeed at flipping this election to Donald Trump.

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