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Star Parker Founder & President, Center for Urban Renewal and Education

Schumer must stand down on attacks against Israel

Star Parker Founder & President, Center for Urban Renewal and Education

On March 14, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-NY, issued a stark warning that Israel was at risk of becoming a “pariah,” and advocated for a new election to replace Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Schumer’s remarks on the Senate floor, notable given his history of unwavering support for the Jewish state, sparked widespread controversy among staunch pro-Israel Republicans.

Straight Arrow News contributor Star Parker argues that senators have no authority to meddle in other countries’ elections. Parker also contends that it’s dangerous for individuals in positions of authority to misuse their power by threatening consequences against political adversaries.

Schumer made these outrageous comments on the floor of the United States Senate, as Israel is embroiled in a life and death battle following the barbaric Hamas attacks against Israeli people on October 7, 2023. Within days of the Hamas attack, political rivals in Israel put aside all of their differences to form an emergency government and a war cabinet.

Now, while tensions have developed within that alliance as the war against Hamas has dragged on, it is up to Israelis to resolve their differences internally, free from foreign interference. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell properly called out Schumer, his colleague —he called him out for his intrusive remarks. McConnell said in quotes: “It is grotesque and hypocritical for Americans who hyperventilate about interference in our own democracy to call for the removal of a democratically elected leader of Israel.”

Last week, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer denounced the democratically elected governing coalition in Israel and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and call for new elections in Israel. Schumer made these outrageous comments on the floor of the United States Senate, as Israel is embroiled in a life and death battle following the barbaric Hamas attacks against Israeli people on October 7 2023. Within days of the Hamas attack, political rivals in Israel put aside all of their differences to form and emergency government and a war cabinet. Now while tensions have developed within that alliance as the war against Hamas has dragged on, it is up to Israelis to resolve their differences internally free from foreign interference. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell properly called out Schumer his colleague, he called them out for his intrusive remarks. McConnell said in quotes, it is grotesque and hypercritical for Americans who hyperventilate about interference in our own democracy to call for the removal of a democratically elected leader of Israel. In quote. During a pro abortion rally outside the US Supreme Court in 2020, Schumer threatened retaliation against justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, if they voted against the pro abortion position in the case pending before the court at that time. In quotes, I want to tell you Gorsuch, I want to tell you Kavanaugh you have released the world when and you will pay the price. In quote from Schumer. He went on to say in quotes, you won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions. In quote

Schumer’s threatening Wow, we’re hearing it now. We heard it then. But that threatening remark he made them prompted Chief Justice John Roberts, to publicly rebuke him, in quotes from the Chief Justice justices know that criticism comes with the territory but threatening statements of this sort from the highest levels of government. They’re not only inappropriate, they’re dangerous in quote from the Chief Justice. You know, following the leak of the draft opinion in the Supreme Court’s 2022 Dobbs decision, protesters sought to pressure the justices to reverse their decisions, and a would be assassin was arrested outside the home of justice Brett Kavanaugh, one of the justices Schumer threatened outside of the court two years earlier. It’s dangerous for people in high levels of government to abuse their power and threaten retribution against political opponents and it is wrong to interfere in other country’s elections. On October 7 2023, Israel experienced the kind of attack that was unleashed against us on September 11 In 2001, we should stand with them and Senator Schumer should stand down from his abusive attacks against Israel’s government and the judicial branch of our own government.


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