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Star Parker Founder & President, Center for Urban Renewal and Education

Senate flip-flop on flip-flops reveals startling inconsistencies

Star Parker Founder & President, Center for Urban Renewal and Education

Senate Democrats initially relaxed the Senate floor dress code, but after controversy, they passed a unanimous resolution to establish a more formal dress code. Liberal lawmakers who favored the relaxed code must now revise their look.

Straight Arrow News contributor Star Parker argues that Democratic inconsistency with the Senate dress code is an example of the party’s failure to uphold its own standards, ultimately to the detriment of our society.

While the typical hypocrisy of Democrats is certainly annoying, the greater issue is the inconsistent standards that they set. Democrats have long been breaking apart society, piece by piece, dismantling the foundations of the family, dismantling the foundations of our culture. They’re even dismantling the basic understandings that we once had about freedom and capitalism. Seriously, when did it become acceptable for an American politician to proudly state that they are a socialist? 

Democrats have broken down our sense of community to the point that Americans no longer have any kind of continuity of who we are as a people. And now, some senators think it’s okay just to wear hoodies and shorts and flip-flops on the Congressional Floor.

But this is the Democrat Party of today, and the one that will continue to be in charge if we don’t do something about it next year. Rules for thee and not for me. That’s the philosophy of Democrats, that’s their worldview. And that’s what we will get more of [in] 2025 if the election doesn’t flip these Biden administration folks out of business in election 2024.

Recently, the US Senate passed a resolution regarding their dress code. The resolution requires that Senators dress formally following an effort by some Democrats to allow shorts and flip flops. In case you’re wondering, the answer is yes, it apparently takes an act of Congress to make some senators dress up for their job to represent the country. 


Reminds me of when I was on welfare. When I first started going to see my caseworker, I was shocked to see that she was dressed like she was going to a ballpark or out to a concert. So there was my caseworker working for the government, but looking like she was working the same streets that I was working to live off of taxpayers dollars. 


Do you see where I’m going with this? It points to a larger issue that has been consistent with the left’s philosophy that there are no absolutes nor need for a rule of law. The great irony is that the left demands that everyone follows their rules. Everyone must meet their standards of tolerating anything that goes for anyone at any time. And that rules are arbitrary enough for them to change anytime they want to. 


They themselves however, they do not need to meet their own standards. They do not need to follow the rules that they impose on everybody else. It’s like when they had everything closed down because of COVID. Yet Nancy Pelosi could still go to the salon, or like that when they had the NFL game in Los Angeles where everyone was required to wear a mask even though the game was outside. Yet there when the cameras went around. They saw the celebrities the mayor Governor Gavin Newsom, yep, no masks to be seen. 


Despite all his failings, President John F. Kennedy once said that those who set the standard should also be the first meet them. In quote, Democrats only believe in setting their standards and enforcing their rules. And in virtue signaling, they of course don’t mean that those rules should matter to them. They think rules are subjective, especially when it comes to decisions they want for their own lives. 


While the typical hypocrisy of Democrats is certainly annoying, the greater issue is the inconsistent standards that they set. Democrats have long been breaking apart society, piece by piece, dismantling the foundations of the family dismantling the foundations of our culture. They’re even dismantling the basic understandings that we once had about freedom and capitalism. Seriously, when did it become acceptable for an American politician to broadly state that they are a socialist? 


Democrats have broken down our sense of community to the point that Americans no longer have any kind of continuity of who we are as a people. And now some senators think it’s okay just to wear hoodies and shorts and flip flops on the congressional floor. But this is the Democrat Party of today. And the one that will continue to be in charge if we don’t do something about it next year. Rules for thee and not for me, that’s the philosophy of Democrats. That’s their worldview. And that’s what we will get more of 2025 if the election doesn’t flip these Biden administration folks out of business election 2024

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