What in the World?


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Changing American and Israeli demographics could affect future U.S. support for Israel in its Middle East conflicts.

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How future generations could shift US support for Israel

Ursula von der Leyen has pledged to create an air shield over the next five years in a bid to bolster European air defenses.

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Why election of European Commission president is so important

Protests in Bangladesh have left nearly 200 dead and have triggered global alarm. What does it mean for Bangladesh and the world?


Protests in Bangladesh signal more trouble ahead

How have recent major political events in the United States impacted early polling projections for the November 2024 presidential election?

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In US election, early polling doesn’t tell us anything yet

Today’s MAGA Republican Party is unrecognizable to old guard conservatives, and the RNC reveals that it’s not done changing yet.


RNC shows the Republican Party is still changing

The end of the INF Treaty regime will benefit the U.S. and its European allies, and comes at a cost to China and Russia.

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US and allies stand to gain from end of INF Treaty regime

France has been a key player in the establishment of the European Union. What role will it play in its future?


Can the French lead the EU into the future?

What does a would-be assassin at a Trump rally reveal about the nature and direction of politics today in America and the world?

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What Trump assassination attempt reveals about politics today

French voters rebuffed a far-right takeover of the National Assembly, but who will now lead France in the absence of any governing majority?


France rejected the far right, but what happens now?

Iran's president-elect, Masoud Pezeshkian, presents an opportunity for real reform, but he only holds so much power.

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Does Iran’s new president signify real change?

The UK’s Labour Party won by a landslide, but the Brits might not be prepared for the tough choices and the obstacles ahead.

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UK’s Labour Party won, but has tough work ahead

China's geography and political system make it challenging to govern, making a future without Xi Jinping hard to predict.

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What happens to China after Xi Jinping dies?

Italy's population has been in decline for many decades, but the problem continues to grow more severe. How will Italian leaders respond?

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Impact of Italy’s older, shrinking population

Given that both candidates are seen as poor options for president, independent voters will once again determine the outcome of the elections.

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Biden and Trump are both unfit to be president

There are numerous reasons why it has been so challenging for the West to shut down Russia's energy exports.


Why the West can’t quit Russian oil

What does the end of military service exemptions for ultra-Orthodox Israelis imply about Israeli security and an expanding two-front war?


Why Israel’s Supreme Court ended draft exemptions

Why the Weimar Triangle nations are working on military offensive strategies like deep-strike capabilities to deter Russian advancements.


How France, Germany and Poland can strengthen Weimar Triangle

China won’t always dominate global manufacturing. Here’s where the next generation of global manufacturing hubs are most likely to emerge.


The global manufacturing hubs of tomorrow

Finding alternative sources for European energy outside of Russia may be difficult and expensive, but it can and must be done.

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Securing energy for the EU is hard, not impossible

The new Russia-North Korea partnership could prompt South Korea, known for its efficiency, to start providing weapons to Ukraine.


Putin’s defense pact with North Korea not the brightest move

Ukraine’s latest counterattacks might spell the end of Russian operations in space and of Russia’s ability to operate advanced satellites.

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Ukraine delivers killing blow to Russian space operations

The micro-state of San Marino is making its larger neighbor, Italy, uncomfortable due to its friendliness with Russia.


Micro-state San Marino a hub for Russian activity

Vietnam is just using Russia as an extra layer of security against China. Vietnam and the United States will continue to share mutual security interests.

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Why Putin’s visit to Vietnam should not alarm Americans

Since the start of the Ukraine war, the expulsion of Russian diplomats from Europe has rendered traditional Russian spy tactics ineffective.


During Ukraine war, Russian espionage falls short