What in the World?

The American ethos has been somewhat unstable over the centuries, which may be partially explained by the country's unique geography. Envato

Why Geography makes Americans hard to understand

The Baltics' move towards energy independence from Moscow is another small step in integrating these states into the free world. Envato

Why Baltics are switching electric standards from Russian to European

Low-cost drone technology might remake some of the most powerful and expensive floating fortresses ever constructed in naval history. Getty Images

How drones are changing global naval power

Mexican cartels are shifting their focus from drugs to running protection rackets around the increasingly valuable avocado trade. Getty Images

The Mexican cartels are double-dipping in the guacamole

As nations and companies around the world transition to a four-day work week, Greece transitions into a six-day week. What gives? Getty Images

Why is Greece moving to a 6-day workweek?

Myanmar's civil war is one of the world's oldest and most brutal conflicts. While there are possible resolutions, what are the chances? Getty Images

Ethnic strife and civil war mark Myanmar’s bleak future

Tensions are boiling over. But while Israel and Iran may be locked in a state of perpetual skirmishing, total war remains unlikely. Reuters

High tensions in Iran, Israel, but total war remains unlikely

What’s happening in Bangladesh, and how will the crisis impact other nations in the region, specifically India? Reuters

What is happening in Bangladesh?

For migrants around the world, new Biden administration policies have made it more difficult to cross the U.S.-Mexico border. Reuters

Why US-Mexico border detentions are down

Destroying Russian air defenses, combined with incoming American F-16 air support, could give Ukraine temporary air superiority. Reuters

Can Ukraine claim the skies and destroy Russian air defenses?

China's shrinking population will prevent the country from experiencing significant 'consumption-led growth' again. Reuters

China’s economic death has already been decided

With the Ukraine war entering its third year and Putin beginning his fifth term as president, how might the conflict end? Getty Images

Could a Russian revolution end the Ukraine war?

If China retaliates in a trade war, the EU and the U.S. have several ways to respond that could quickly impact key Chinese interests. Getty Images

China’s EV dominance challenged by US, EU trade restrictions

With three of the top five kingpins now out of the Mexican drug trade, the U.S. can finally make meaningful progress in America's drug war. Reuters

A crack in the North American drug war

Artificial intelligence is rapidly being integrated into the workforce and might serve as a substitute for human workers as boomers retire. AP Images

Can AI replace those retiring boomers?

Here is why Ukraine might be having greater success against Russia's front-line artillery systems — and what it means for the war. Reuters

Russian artillery losses good news for Ukrainian front lines

Given Russia's war in Ukraine and the threat of Mexico's deadly drug cartels, what would it take for the U.S. to go to war? Getty Images

Is the US looking for a war?

Changing American and Israeli demographics could affect future U.S. support for Israel in its Middle East conflicts. AP Images

How future generations could shift US support for Israel

Ursula von der Leyen has pledged to create an air shield over the next five years in a bid to bolster European air defenses. Getty Images

Why election of European Commission president is so important

Protests in Bangladesh have left nearly 200 dead and have triggered global alarm. What does it mean for Bangladesh and the world? Reuters

Protests in Bangladesh signal more trouble ahead

How have recent major political events in the United States impacted early polling projections for the November 2024 presidential election? AP Images

In US election, early polling doesn’t tell us anything yet

Today’s MAGA Republican Party is unrecognizable to old guard conservatives, and the RNC reveals that it’s not done changing yet. Reuters

RNC shows the Republican Party is still changing

The end of the INF Treaty regime will benefit the U.S. and its European allies, and comes at a cost to China and Russia. Getty Images

US and allies stand to gain from end of INF Treaty regime

France has been a key player in the establishment of the European Union. What role will it play in its future? Envato

Can the French lead the EU into the future?